Wanted for questioning. #ruizing

1  2019-09-22 by DDDoxxx


Jokes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if this crazy bitch was a suspect.

Stupid bitch probably killed him. There, I said it.

Norton's fault.

Carl saw her asshole. he will always have my respect


Yeah but did he eat it?

Yes, with cheese curds and gravy slathered all over it.

Actually she left partway through because he was busy working through a rack of ribs.

Is she still around?

/u/beigefrequency Get to the bottom of this

Last I heard he was at the bottom of some trans.


Twink trannys*

Right you are

She's so insane that even though looks wise she isn't my usual type my penis does a little twitch

He drowned in her above ground pool.

I love this maniac. Karl left this angel on earth to frolic with the ones in heaven now.

Does she have a twitter stiill?