ive stopped mass reporting this sub

0  2019-09-22 by throwaway12v

only because johnnys not a mod. in fact, i think he might have been IP banned by reddit admins.

HAHA u/cakescommajohnny FAGGOT

carry on gentlemen


I'm enjoying distracting you from elsewhere. Keep following me around, psycho. It's working.

"umm hey handsomeblue? hows it going man! hey i was the mod in the other subs! can you mod me? :)"


I always promise blowjobs to completion and only use gifs to illustrate my promises. Who is incorrectly impersonating me?

xD haha quirky comment!

hang yourself. you made spaceedge look like a reasonable mod, that is perhaps your only accomplishment in life.

youre worthless. nothing to no one. here you go: https://www.wikihow.com/Tie-a-Noose

Thanks, sweetie. Stay with me here. Let's talk about my impending suicide attempt.

go into detail why your life is valueless while i masturbate


i love how your stupid faggot ass still thinks its just 1 person with 100 alts who hates you. imagine being that deluded.

i suppose its a defense mechanism. i bet your powertripping powerhungry faggot ass was DMing this subs mods constantly begging to be a mod LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL what an absolute faggot. hang yourself, youre worthless and no one loves you.

Wow, this guy is laughing really hard.

good one you fucking woman. cant shadowban me now, faggot. HAHAHAHA hang yourself. youre worthless to everyone around you.

Stay here. I like keeping you here.

woah tough guy, really getting rowdy there!

youre literally a nothing. your life is empty. grab that gun out of the safe and do everyone around you a favor

Awesome life advice, thanks!

dont mention it faggot, now get to it.

Ooh yeah, keep talking tough baby. I like it like that. Mmmm

Please just quit being such a goober

I don’t hold much in the way of politically correct values.

But I think this guy is being a real Nigger.

By god I’d well I’d just like to see him nigger fucked and tossed away

Brb got toenails to count !

alright im done rejoicing

I'm IP banned.

Let's all calm down and remember that it's funny that Carl died

I hope Deep State assassins come for you and your family next

That sure would take a load off my toad


proof that even when no one is modding these people will still try to stir, stir, stir

I did message u/handsomeblue, for the record. I'm enjoying seeing how this is playing out differently out loud.

of course you did LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, i didnt ask handsomeblue if you messaged him btw, i just knew you did

i know a powerhungry faggot when i see one. i know people who have absolutely nothing going on in their lives so they need some control. i know faggots like you. youre literally the worst of what humanity has to offer

youre the absolute bottom of the barrel of humans. i pretty much know your life story at this point. go back to crying in your pillow at night you faggot.

You are so sad, you poor thing. Stay here. Let's talk about what troubles you.

"oh sweaty, lets talk, sweaty"

fucking yuck. youre literally valueless


not stirring anything, in fact im anti-stirring. just telling you that i stopped mass reporting because that faggot johnny is gone.

its probably why this sub is still up

are we supposed to thank you?

nope, dont require anything at all. you could tell me to eat nigger dick if you want.

just fair warning that if johnny becomes a mod, the subs getting mass-reported. think of how big of a faggot spaceedge is and multiply that by 10. thats johnny, believe it or not. sorry, cant let that faggot powertrip.

why don’t you mod? I think you’re a little upset that you had some posts removed, clearly you should start a sub and just let it sit and have no rules like the website

i dont care who mods, literally i couldnt care less as long as its not johnny. i didnt just have "some posts removed", myself and at least 20 others have been shadowbanned by that faggot for literally no reason at all

the post removals were completely and 100% arbitrary. if that faggot was having a mood swing, that post would get removed. if you even said "hey why was x banned?" you get shadowbanned.

hes worse than spaceedge.


I’ve never seen you once act normal. Be funny?

alright heres a zinger for you.

knock knock

who’s there

a pack of niggers

Literally lives here with 500 million alts and can't wait to celebrate every time a sub is banned. And doesn't even realize several have nothing to do with "johnny". What a spaz.

everyone gets a turn at being johnny

again with this "iTs a bUncH oF aLts!11!!"

im not an alt. there are, no exaggeration, at least 20 people im aware of that arent alts who fucking hate you more than spaceedge.

And doesn't even realize several have nothing to do with "johnny"

im telling you, 100%, i can show the PMs, that literally the only reason why i stopped mass reporting this sub was because youre not a mod. for absolutely no other reason. youre fucking horrible.

You never knew when I was or wasn't a mod or even an active mod on a ton of subs that were nuked, especially yesterday, retard. How embarrassing for you that you had next to nothing to do with it.

why havent you hung yourself yet

Because you keep paying attention to me. I live for only you (and your million alts).

Thank you for giving me life.

reminder this guy isn’t even one of us, just a random troll attempting to hold the community hostage. “I don’t like how this sub is run so no one can have it”. Spaceedge junior over here

"this guys not one of us maaaaaaaaahn"

listen you stupid faggot, i dont give a fuck how a sub is run. what if during spaceedge's era, someone just said "you just dont like how the sub is run maaaaaan, stop holding the community hostage!"

wouldnt you love to drag that person by the back of their head to an alley and beat them with lead pipes? I DONT GIVE A FUCK HOW THE SUB IS RUN YOU DUMB FAGGOT. I DONT WANT A WORSE VERSION OF SPACEEDGE AS A MOD. THAT IS IT. are you undestanding, you 12 IQ retard?

What the fuck is wrong with you, really?

i cant talk to low IQ people, i guess thats one of my problems

Honestly, do you think anyone gives a fuck?

u/nwordcountbot u/throwaway12v

Thank you for the request, comrade.

I have looked through throwaway12v's posting history and found 7 N-words, of which 6 were hard-Rs.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

big fan of that one


Thank you for the request, comrade.

buttfarts2019 has not said the N-word yet.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Hi, throwaway12v!

I hope the future treats you well!


nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

I hope when you wake up from your drunken night of typing, you realize how shitty you seem. I don't know what the fuck this is, or care, but you acted like a belligerent asshole.

I have no idea what any of this means but can we agree that Jim Norton needs to be bullied more?

Weren't you that faggot bragging about working with bovine brain himself? No-ones interested cunt, get fucked.

faggot was objectively worse than spaceedge

heil victory!