Rolling Stone’s Robert Christgau’s review of 2U live

1  2019-09-22 by QueefMasterson


I love wrinkly dogs 🐕

Do ya ? Google carol maxheimer

LOL. I actually did Google her name to see what would pop up and The Crypt Keeper is one of the top Image results when you look up her name.

I hope she is aware of this.

The fact that so many books still name Nana as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" radio host ever only tells you how far radio still is from becoming a serious art. Stand-up critics have long recognized that the greatest stand-up comedians of all times are Bill Hicks and Mitch Hedberg, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Podcast critics rank the highly controversial Joe Rogan over other podcasters who were highly popular in courts around the world. Radio critics are still blinded by commercial success. Nana had more listeners than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest. Stand-up critics grow up listening to a lot of stand-up of the past, podcast critics grow up listening to a lot of podcasts of the past. Radio critics are often totally ignorant of the radio hosts of the past, they barely know the most popular hosts. No wonder they will think that Nana did anything worthy of being saved.