Get 'em while they're hot, unlike Carl

1  2019-09-22 by The-Cumia-Prance


My spicy take: Carl was a regular guy and not a pedo or valor thief and I think it's kinda sad he's dead.

I liked how he gave Opie shit all the time with no regard for his feelings yet showed up to his dumb podcast many times. Brotherman needed him those days and he was there.

A brothamans Brothaman! sniff

i mean he actually took our jokes in stride hard to completely hate the guy

Seriously. It’s not fair that he died instead of a Cumia.

I never once listened to him on any shows or platform. I didn’t hate him, if he is dead sucks since I read he had kids.

Correction: I did see that douchechilling video with Opie “blooocked”.

Totally worth $30

Sad about this one, nice enough guy.
