Nice omelette, stupid

1  2019-09-22 by trippin_on_beefers


Carl Ruiz would have never eaten this slop.


He really is mediocre at everything in life except for sucking giant black cocks while getting pounded from behind by a girthy 9 incher.

it looks like Ant's face

Obese, Low T homo loves taking credit for weight loss before he even loses a pound. And he can't stick to any diet for 3 days.


nice bowl plates, look like frying pans .. dummy

that's what I thought too, I didn't even realize they were plates

Simple 12 egg omelette, anyone can do it.

You obviously don't get it redditard. Mind over matter

Lardass probably ate the flower too.

top left...2U poster on the fridge

Jesus, there’s no end to this faggot’s faggotry.

Like a childs school recital reminder.

Did he use a whole carton of eggs?

Right, bacon and 14 eggs is a real healthy meal. Fat nigger

Joe is known for his tits. Imagine how sad that is.

This dumb fucker really thinks this is healthy? A full avocado, at least 4 egg omelette and bacon? Really?

Quick 20 lbs, lol. You are a sedentry man in your 60s, your metabolism is shot to shit, and you have to inject testosterone. Nothing short of terminal cancer is getting rid of that belly.

Quick 9.1 kilograms, lol. You are a sedentry man in your 60s, your metabolism is shot to shit, and you have to inject testosterone. Nothing short of terminal cancer is getting rid of that belly.

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So that's 2000 calories. For breakfast. Is this guy retarded or something?

He thinks he's an athlete, that's why he guzzles gatorade as well...gotta replenish those electrolytes after burning all those calories filing DMCA's and leeching.

Need all those calories for a full day of doing absolutely nothing.

I hate those bowl plates

Looks like hubcaps from the junkyard.


Just fucking exercise.