I heard someone gifted him a toe trigger attachment

19  2019-09-21 by BloviatingUdders


Is a sash supposed to be tight?

I really don’t get all the call of duty shirts.

They're COMP'D!

I guess a box of video game t-shirts must have fallen off the back of a truck

*donated from a local church

*Picked up from a Red Cross drop

most teenage boys would feel pretty embarrassed to wear a call of duty shirt or sons of anarchy jacket in 2019 (much less 2009) but ol' bro joe here feels hip and with it when he dons the merchandise

Didn't someone post this on a different sub claiming Joe had autism and was celebrating his birthday? It got lots of attention if I remember correctly

That is correct.

He'd stare at it for hours and never know what the fuck it was

This is so fucking gay.