Patty Cake

22  2019-09-13 by Mintwa

Patty cakes, Patty cakes, rapers man.rape me a tyke as fast as you can Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with "P" And put Patty in prison for his atrocities.


Pat be nimble, Pat be quick

Fat Pat jumped on his wife’s bull’s dick

Old Patrick Flubbard went to a cupboard to get the poor Bull a bone

When Patrick bent over, the Bull took over, and gave Pat a bone of his own


This little piggy like sci-fi

This little piggy shoots guns.

This little piggy's a tough guy

This little piggy's a bum

And this little piggy cries "Child, child, child, child," all the way to Hooligan's

Fatty Patty sat at a bar

Writing career not going too far.

All the dead children stuffed in my crawlspace

Would have Milwaukee PD all over the place.