Here we go again pigboy.

38  2019-09-13 by fatty-patty-2


Do you think he giggles when he makes the DMCA reports or is he groaning in annoyance? Either way is hilarious.

Well he's definitely groaning but that's just from all the energy it takes for the fat fuck to even take a breath.

How's it feel, you fat fucker???

Ol' stroke-face mouth droop, flop sweat Tomlinson at it again!


Sweaty, moon-faced, bag of watery shit.

If you showed this picture to someone and said it was a mentally-handicapped person NO ONE would disbelieve you for an instant. Not even a second closer look to be sure, just automatic, "Oh, it's obvious, the poor dear."

We have nothing else to do, DMCA away you fat retarded queeb. What’s the matter? Thought you’d be a more successful author by now, but no one is buying your “genius” stories?

Keep being obsessed with us, fag. This is taking you away from publishing more of the drivel you put out, as though a fail tub of lard like you would ever be the next Orson Scott Card. We do this shit in our spare time, for kicks. Nobody thinks of you for the other 23.97 hours of the day.

BTW, go buy a real bike, you Rocker-wannabe bitch boy.