Good people normally boast to internet strangers about how morally superior they are, child.

19  2019-09-13 by PringlesCanJonathan


Good people wouldn't sink so low as to call someone else confused and then cap it with a derogatory word.

He called me a nigger outside holligans on Gay Pride Day.

He just wants you to keep it down while he tries to write a book in a busy bar.

Good people always call women “cumrag” because they disagree on abortion or talk about punching women for wearing the wrong hat.

Despite what you might think it’s actually common for good people to abandon their children, brag about their heavy drinking and fighting in bars and celebrate hitting women.

“Garbage person.” Who exactly does this sack of shit think he is? Drink more draft beer you bloated internet tough guy.

anyone who would earnestly defend why they’re a “good” person is an idiot. what a fuckin pointless point to make

Yep, good people always tend to advocate violence towards those with different political believes then them.