HappyFriendlyBot is a fucking faggot.

20  2019-09-13 by CoolAIDSman69

You've probably seen it post on the sub before, responding to posts that are overly negative with, "I'm here to give you a robot hug!"

Has anyone read this shit thread where he explains the purpose of the bot?


I seek comments that could potentially be considered very negative/hateful and reply to them with an uplifting comment.

I genuinely hope that my comments lift the spirits of their recipients and anyone who sees them.

I always thought it was meant to be a passive aggressive joke, but this asshole actually thinks his "have a robot hug!!!" shit is doing good in the world. Look through its post history and we're not the only sub downvoting it.



I don't get it. So if I say something terrible it'll tell me to have a good day or wish me well. Seems like positive reinforcement for saying awful shit. What the fuck is the point of it?!

HappyFriendlyBot was spotted in a car with a man. I don’t want to go into details it repulses me so much.

Fuck that faggot bot

Throw his ass out, he's a nigger! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER!