Reddit when they shut down the Cumia-hate club instead of the Fatty-hate club for the second time

26  2019-09-12 by dazzlefloss


knock on wood no jinxies

Where are we meeting when this shit goes down

The Big Apple Ranch

Just search "Patrick Tomlinson" on reddit search bar. Its that simple. When this sub gets banned and the new one is created, everyone is going to have to repost all the great images mocking Fatrick. You'll get to relive the magic and laughs all over again! Think about it.

But we'll have to comb through all the results in subs talking about this culturally relevant author and political firebrand.

r/TerryClifford is the rally point. To shut that down is like bombing a hospital

You leave Terry alone, you hooligans.

This is just like scorch, that is holy land we can't bring our autism into, children.
