How long till Pat sees he is famously punchable?

15  2019-09-11 by Mintwa


Hes already seen it. He on here more than any of us.

That's one of my favorite parts of all of this. Individually we probably spend no more than an hour, maybe 2 for the more hardcore users, on this site. He literally spends at least half his day on reddit tracking down the next sub and filing reports.

But once again, he's the one winning somehow.

Exactly. Obsess over us more, child.

90% of the time im getting paid when im on here. I make the new guys drive while i fuck around on my phone until we get to the next job.

No you don’t, child - exactly what Patrick thought reading this comment.

He's literally just Liberal Joe.

“This is a photo of me. My face is not punchable and I do not give permission for it to be posted here. Please remove immediately”