Damn it'd suck to have an entire subreddit against me like this.

1  2019-09-17 by CoolAIDSman69

Let's say one miraculously appeared the next day. The first thing I'd do is not acknowledge it, except MAYBE to write something like "okay, this is funny" in one of the threads (as long as it was actually funny; like a good piece of artwork or something).

And that's it.

Would it die down? Groups get new targets all the time. Opie was the most hated here, every thread about him, but he didnt acknowledge us once. That would give me comfort.

Pat's an idiot, is what I'm saying.


Fat Pat's narcissism won't let him deal with this situation any other way, this could go on forever.

I like when someone makes fun of me and its actually true/funny. Its why i loved working at this restaurant/kitchen all through high school. Those fuckers were relentless and were always trying to hurt someone/break them. The only way to survive was to have fun with it. I dressed in blackface and full gangster costume for Halloween to be the dishwasher guy, Antonio.

I once had a youtube channel with a small but dedicated fanbase. I always got positive comments, but one guy left a comment once saying my newest video sucked and I didn't put any effort in. I actually appreciated that, and wish I couldve let him know without looking like some reverse psychology/manipulating faggot.

Hater comments keep you in check.

I agree on this. I host a podcast and #amwriting a book about running and rowing. Praise is nice and feels good, but negative feedback improves me and my product. The one thing I never do is argue about it. If somebody’s wrong, I let them remain so. If somebody has a valid criticism- and that happens! - I thank them and learn from it.

Fatty’s utter inability to acknowledge any mistake is stunning. He has literally repeated “I am never wrong. I have never lied. I am not fat” hundreds of times on social media. Everyone is wrong sometimes. Everybody lies. And he’s demonstrably fat as hell. Delusional fatass.

running and rowing

Nice exercise, stupid

Yeah, something like that would be a real pain, good thing I think Norm McDonald is fucking hilarious.