How about taking over /r/fatpat next? 4 year old abandoned sub

1  2019-09-17 by PoliticalFirebrand

Would be funny to take over some unsuspecting fool's sub? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It also takes longer to get an old sub banned.


it is probably dedicated to him

But I'm not fat, child.

Isn't there a way to try to take over dead subs?

I'm 13 and don't know dick about the internet and niggers are fucking my mom.

Hi, fatty-patty-2!

I am just dropping by to wish you a wonderful life!



Bad bot. Nigger bot nigger bot stupid fucking nigger bot.

What happened to Michael Richards bot

There's also r/Fatrick a six year old abandoned sub

I enjoy how we casually plan out our move next. Fat Pat and Nigger Joe feel some sort of accomplishment shutting these down; it’s just a game of whack a mole to us; we will be mocking your fat ass until Nikki leaves you and you finally delete any social media presence Fatrick.

I used to get a little bummed when the subs got shut down. Now I just get excited.