Now imagine this not being Patrick and another person, read it as if it's the two hottest chicks in school having some basic bitch friend losing fight

1  2019-09-17 by SoulBrothaManNumber2


i still cant understand what the first 2 mean, if someone could explain

Patrick is a narcissist.

I love that Patrick has the same brain power as the retarded boomers he fights with online.

"you're stupid"

"No you are"

"You're stupid"

"No you"

Then there's always the inevitable moment when someone points out his unoriginal responses and he replies "whatever, I'm not even really trying" like there wasn't smoke coming out of his ears the whole time while his fat clogged gears tried to grind out a coherent response.

But he spices it up with a child here a battered woman there.

lol yes, thank you Mint, how could I forget. Like any great cartoon character he has his own catchphrase and calling card.

Hopefully when Nikki leaves him he will "That's All Folks"

Like any great cartoon character he has his own catchphrase and calling card.

That's All, Child!

His entire online persona is crafted to portray this enlightened badass like Neo but everyone who encounters him can see plain as day what as smarmy fat weak faggot in need of a broken jaw he truly is.

Patrick, please, this is the actor playing Outlaw Memer talking right now, just walk away, get help, and focus on your own life. You can't change the world, but you can do good in your own little part of it. Do that instead of trying to be Luke Skywalker fucked Hunter S. Thompson to win the freedom of the oppressed through poorly-crafted writing.

But you won't heed this advice, and just continue to make an ass of yourself so I can laugh at you. Fine. Just don't get too drunk and talk to someone in real life the way you talk to people online, because I promise it won't go well for you. Treat a random person on the street the way you treat your Twitter foes, I dare you.

I have been in MULTIPLE bar fights, child. They never end well.