Look, fat pedo enabler... People here (and around the world, let's be honest) would be happy if you died. This is not the same as THREATENING to cause it.

1  2019-09-17 by Dominus_Odium

Stop claiming anybody sent you a death threat.

Or that any "white supremacists" came to your house.

Or that "nazis" chanting "blood and soil" were at WorldCon, instead of anti-pedophilia protestors trying to call out Cat Rambo, Samuel Delaney at the rest of your sick fuck friends in the SFWA.

You're not a hero, you're a fat retard cuckold. You're not a genius, you cut/paste and slightly reword boilerplate blue checkmark (remember that?) liberal opinions. You're not a success. You're a Z grade nobody author from bumblefuck Wisconsin that got a little notoriety for saying a dumb, easily refuted thing about dead babies.

And you're not the father.


/u/patrickstomlinson, you're not being trolled. You're being despised.

Yes, by trolls.

Childless child, child. And fat

shut up fat pedo

How are the wings at Hooligans tonight, child?

Oh, and don't worry about Nikki. She's being well taken care of.

She was surprisingly far easier to get ahold of than I would have thought

Just whistle.

With Fatrick’s awful, fat fish lips, I doubt he can whistle

Fuck that just open a velcro wallet

You type like you're lousy with charm bracelets and candy with fruit in the middle. Heavens to betsy, toodle loo!

Have you ever heard the term don't feed the trolls? Well maybe you should have and also applied it to yourself fatty.

Have you looked at Pat latley? The only thing he feeds is him self and his wife.

Nice comeback, stupid.

Nice "bye," stupid.

Butthurt man baby can't have a debate, he can only block someone like a coward and then talk shit about them so they can't respond. Pathetic

Child, I will never die. I’m in better physical condition than any of you nazis. Did you not see the face gains from my gym selfies, sweet fuckable childs?

That's my favorite part of all this - he acts so high and mighty when the thing he is most famous for is failing epically.

the thing he is most famous for is failing epically.


Oh that was delicious as well, but I think way more people know him for getting his ass handed to him by a micro-jew

He's on Twitter right now getting in arguments about Justice Kavanaugh. I hope no one goes in there to bring up Moira Greyland, don't anybody here on Twitter go do nonsense like that.

Nobody wants Patty to die. It's actually part of the reason we are so desperate to get firearms out of his hands. Forget about him harming others for a second. Patsy literally has stuck a gun in his mouth to kill himself before. Considering his massive weight gain, his second wife being a step down, and the loss of his Twitter checkmark, who knows? Next time he may pull the trigger.

We are actually trying to save this fat fools life.

He considers some one telling him to "die fat about it" a death threat.