1  2019-09-16 by EasilyForgotten1138


Is there anyone left on the Left who ISN'T a cosplaying, pandering faggot?


“I'm here to trigger all of the... homophobic, transphobic cock sucking bastards that usually represent the right”

An actual quote lol.

As cringey and sad this guy is, even he has somewhat more self awareness than Patso, as he at least acknowledges the right probably isn't entirely made up of fag bashers.

What I'm saying is that a 30 something year old guy who dresses up like the Joker for 1k people on Twitter is less likely to shoot up a country music concert than Patrick S Tomlinson.

Ew he doesn't like that Trump "demonizes the media"

what are you, in the media's will? Faggot.