Hey guys, it's me, Andy, looking for my buddies, stinks and Joyomi, can ya help me fellas?

3  2019-06-03 by andrewjacksonjihadz


You've been gone so long that it's been rumored you were a Prosbora alt all along.

Stinks got tired of people making fun of his hair/teeth/general appearance so he joined the rogue subreddit of O&A discord faggots. I don't know what happened to them, but he was still lurking our sub before the ban.

I think Joyomi died of pancreatic cancer or something.

The prosboran ascendancy remains

u/therealstinks is posting in cumtown like a real piece of shit

hi ajj

Have you seen stinks, my friend stinks? :)

Way to name your handle after a band, stupid.