We're famous. I came on looking for where we're supposed to congregate. This came up. The replies are terrific.

13  2019-06-03 by twatto_time


feed nana

Opie has breasts.

Internet forum mods really are garbage fagtards

i love listening to people recant this shit. so stupid, imagine not being in the sub and caring at all, fucking fags.

All I see is /u/Michelanvalo who is clearly a former pest that didn't get the love he hoped to get from our community, so now he's all about shitting on us.

I mean, if he was talking about OkaySeriouslyBro / TheGhostOfAbeVigoda and the dumb lemmings that followed the shiny thing off 3 consecutive cliffs, I'd be inclined to agree with him. But he's talking about all of us.

I'm shitting on the assholes who destroyed the subreddit because of their obsession with some fat fucking hack loser. I don't know the assholes names or else I would have talked shit about them directly.

But you took a steaming pile of shit on the whole community. You didn't single out OkaySeriouslyBro / GhostOfAbeVigoda, the true cunts of the story.

I don't know them by name. I just saw constant posts talking about fatso and downvoting them.

And now you're shitting on all of us and we're shitting back. What's the problem? Are you seeing anything unfair happening here?

I see that we lost a great subreddit for shitting on people and being general assholes because a small group of them became obsessed with someone irrelevant and that being unfair.

Stop taking it so personal, asshole.

Are you purposely avoiding the point, here?

I'm going to assume so.

What's your fucking point? That I put the retards who got the sub shut down on blast? Is that your point? Because fuck them.

Are you purposely avoiding the point, dickwad? YOU MADE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TWO SIDES WHEN YOU SHIT ON THE WHOLE LOT LIKE YOU WERE ABOVE THEM, when you are in fact one of us (a fact it will be my pleasure to remind all your 'proper' friends in those other subs).

Aw, you fucking pussy, deleting replies.

I put the retards on blast who were obsessed with the fat loser that got two subs shut down and most of the userbase to migrate off site. They ruined the subreddit for the rest of us who were there to shit on Joe, Ant, Jim and whoever else was being a huge loser. Not some fucking irrelevant blue checkmark self important loser.

I don't even know what your vague threat even means. You think I hide that I posted on /r/opieandanthony? Mother fucker I openly spread the Amy Schumer shit around Reddit and told people where it came from.

Get a clue, you worthless sack of shit.


Do what you gotta do, fucktard. I'll do the same. See you around :)

You don't Know them by name, but you're a real authority about what's going on

I think my favorite part is their entire subreddit is just a bigger, more vague mirror image of opieandanthony, but they have a fat gay tinted superiority complex about it.

"White trash?" Oh go back to /r/blackpeopletwitter good little redditor. "I just love my DRAMAAAAA!"

I didn't know we were a culture. I kind of like it