are we ovah here now?

11  2019-05-30 by dxking92


I was desperately checking PMs to see who I can ask and I saw I was already approved here


Yeah, I suppose this a private or was a private community

Well good to know we are a very select few of gentleman

oh damn i didnt notice either

We could squat over at r/OpieRadio

just use my domain forum


when the subs get deleted and you want everyone to have a place to see where the next one is. Or just use that place to post shit.

Go there and post what the next subs name is. Dont expect it to be great, it was built off wordpress and I never finished working on it, maybe this will get me interested again. If anyone else has interest/web design knowledge in helping make it better let me know.

nice url formatting, stupid

Eat my ass lol. Blame reddit

Actually just looked and yeah Reddit did that not me, don't know what's going on there

Still...... Eat my ass. I throw you charity and you balk? No better than those pan handlers who flip you off when you offer them work for the day.