Remember stolen Valor joe is scared of having an online confrontation with Danny Ross

1  2019-05-30 by killgav


cos playing again as his younger pathetic

"You know him well"

Joe backs down IMMEDIATELY to the slightest challenge from anyone. He was putty in that protester girl's hands in two minutes.

I’ll buy you Starbucks if we can talk for 5 minutes 🤮

If only she pepper sprayed him after such a vulgar approach.

Seeing him bumble through that would make my year.

Ol’ pig brain wants to be Mr. tough guy challenging anonymous internet people to a fight, but when someone whose name and location he actually knows calls him out, he goes dark. Ain’t it fun u/doxxer100

Can you imagine all the cliche mafia movie tuff guy quotes he aiming at you after reading this.

"You know him well"

This obviously isn't addressed to any of his daughter's teachers.

I see Brother Joe, man, and he looks a-scared. I’d be scared too, cause there’s fags all deep in this.