Got him!

1  2019-05-30 by ShiIIyFaggot



Haha Joe has now locked his Twitter account. Not so brave anymore. Pedophile enabling faggot.

Didn't he just make a big to -do the other day about how he would no longer ever have to protect his tweets again because he had defeated the trolls? This was like less than a week ago.

Joe Cumia is monumentally stupid

Somebody better tell him.

It was about rolling back his foreskin or some disgusting shit

This is fucked up & not funny anymore.

Joe, all you have to do is say you're disgusted, shocked & appalled that someone you knew was up to such awful things. Your tough guy ass kicking threats would be 100% justified and appropriate in this situation.

But instead you lie & deny. You are complicit or worse. This isn't a fucking joke anymore. What's really going on?

He doesn’t want to admit that he has enabled two pedophiles.

And allows his daughter around that pedophile, in a bathing suit at his pool parties, where other children have been groomed and sexually assaulted. Ant's welfare checks > protecting children from child predators

Of course. How else are you supposed to pay for a special edition gaymobile?

Remember ant has cameras all over the compound and they are always recording.

When his current prostitute was still bitter from being dumped by him years ago, after the Dani assault video went viral, she said on her Twitter that Anthony turns the cameras off when certain illegal activities are going on - like drug taking, woman beating, kid touching.

Two pedophiles? Perhaps more than that!

Mos Eisley Cantina

Probably more than 2

>You are complicit or worse. This isn't a fucking joke. What's really going on?


People have become so accustomed to Joe's stupidity that they have grown complacent and only think of him as a bumbling fool. They forget that he is a genuinely malicious guy and a career criminal who turned a blind eye to his brother's pedophilia because he gets paid a little more that Keith's wife. That's if he isn't a little funny himself.

This is why we need those “Giselle” texts. Because The Cumia’s need to be buried for their sins.

The problem is that he is too obscure for anyone to care. The only think you might accomplish is getting some of his right wing associates to cut ties

I’ll take it.

This might be one of them

Ha! What’s the context of this? Because the context of the Giselle texts was Ant bragging to Danny about fingering an underage girl, not sending a text about sticking anything up anyone’s ass.

Hi beige I like your Docs are you going to do anymore??? And if so Who are you going to do Next? 👧🏼🎀🌷🐥🍦

I'm fairly convinced by this point that Joe is a kid fucker just like his brother. His odd behavior any time this stuff is brought up is very telling. If you guys keep doing a bit more digging, then I am sure something verifiable will pop up.

Whole family of trash.

The same person who intentionally pretended that the acronym for CP is KP is defending his brother who has a twitter name anthonycumiaCPM. Nothing terribly wrong here. Remember when Anthony took that creep-shot of the child in the bikini? When he said it was ok to fuck 9 year olds?

Wow this proves danny is telling the truth not that there was any doubt.

He's still a dirty fucking kike. He was just talking shit about Steve C and Patrice, I sincerely hope he dies.

That guitar is hideous and most people would be embarrassed to be seen with it. What an utter asshole.

That's Bobo's drumset though!

Between this, running away from Danny here, and locking down his social media, he might as well just admitted everything. Guilty conscience faggot.

Where’s this Danny post everyone keeps talking about? I feel like a boomer faggot for asking but I can’t find it anywhere :(

On the xyz sub

He's merely GBA!

At first this was funny because it had an air of truth about it and bothered them - but it wasn't clear how much of it was real.

Now I'm convinced something actually sinister happened.

Fuck you Joe.

There is probably even more that happened after Danny fell out with anth

The guitar is different, look at the tuning pegs, one on the left pic has 6 pegs on the left side, the right pic is 3 and 3, but, the walls are definitely the same colour.

No shit Sherlock.

I wanted to sound smart for once.

Yeah it’s definitely not the same guitars.

incase you don't know the context, the screenshot on the right is from a video of convicted child rapist jeff hollander(kurt love) goofing around with bobo from 2016 after he had served 10 years for raping a 12 yr old girl... It looks like the same room joe posted a pic of his guitar, possibly from Anthony's basement

That picture on the right must have been from the monthly NAMBLA meetup at Joe's house.

So so so so covering up makes me complicit?

Remember he said CP isn't illegal, how can he go through life without basic knowledge

He didn't understand the electoral college until his late 50s. In fact, he probably still doesn't.

Joe said that you have to actually impregnate the toddler you are lusting over to be considered a pedophile. Merely jerking off to her kindergarten graduation pictures isn't enough evidence, redditard.


The Cumias need to be locked away for humanity's sake.

This is clearly at Bibi's house

Two guitar shadows on the wall. Could be the guitar in the picture on the right. Six total pegs cast on the same side.