Just a reminder that this picture exists

1  2019-05-29 by Doxxer300


The cat and the bull’s daughter are the only innocents here

the bull’s daughter

haha so many fucking levels of weirdness in this picture.

Never realized what a soulless cunt the mom was until now, can't even bring herself to hold her lite chocolate trophy daughter lmfao neoliberals are the creepiest fucking people

Her eyes look crazy as shit

/u/doxxer100 Where are you hiding, fatty? Just gonna tweet like a coward? Account for yourself, faggot.

Danny Ross of all people has scared him off. Joe knows he can't use his usual "you're just fans, you weren't there etc." bullshit when arguing with him.

He literally read that Danny post and then ran the fuck away. Practically left a cartoon puff of smoke. Truly a spineless jellyfish.

Yup. Kind of the opposite of what Ant did when he realized the sub was banned i.e. suddenly poked his little coward head out and created a new Twitter account.

Just a pair of utter faggots the Cumia bros are.

imagine too pussy to have a free internet account

When was Danny here? Or was this before he was institutionalized?

Hes been here all week

Thank your servers, try the fish!

To be honest the dad looks like a kid diddler too. That is why Ant lives in that part of Long Island. They all do some rich people Eyes Wide Shut parties.

That dad is public figure Jim Kennedy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Kennedy_(media_executive)) who should forever be ashamed of himself for allowing a child predator to groom and fuck his child.

Of course he worked for the Clintons. Jesus fucking Christ.

FYI: News Corp is Murdoch owned. Now which button are you gonna press, dolt?

Nice try Danny, but they're two sides of the same shekel. As is evident from this moghoul seamlessly switching his allegiance. Your Judean mind tricks won't work on me.

Jim Kennedy (media executive)

Jim Kennedy is an American media executive who has been Executive Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for News Corp since 2013.

Kennedy began his career in public service, working in the Clinton White House as Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy Press Secretary, and Senior Advisor to the White House Counsel. He has also served as head of communications to Vice President Al Gore, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Joe Lieberman, and the Clinton Foundation.He transitioned to the private sector in 2005, taking a position as senior vice president for corporate communications at Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City, California, later becoming executive vice president. He moved to New York City in 2011 to become senior vice president for strategic communications at Sony Corporation of America.

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Tragically sad group of faggots.

if you have one bullet, would you use it on this cuck or vinny golighty?


How can any father take a photo like this?


Cancer ridden ghoul

Wholesome family values

who are these creeps again? dawn’s fucked up kids?

Looks like Julian Asange is guilty of far worse things.

nbd just taking a picture with my teenage baby girl in the McMansion owned by the fifty-five year old man who's fucking her while I try to smile so my wife can have a nice Christmas picture with her mail-order niglet daughter.

This is fine.

I'm still hilarious.

Ant looks particularly gruesome here.

I'm not saying pedophilia is right, but I am saying if you looked like Ant in this picture you should be using your money to fuck women who are decades younger than you... I mean, it's not like any woman of any age would date him based on his looks, might as well pay to groom a slutty 21 year old.

Did you edit that 12 to a 21? nice try joeH you fat brain dead faggy little old man.

I’m pretty sure she was 17 here