Disturbed old man takes creepshot of teen girls

1  2019-05-29 by bovinebrain


He was planning on keeping the picture for his private stash but after they caught him he made this post as an alibi.

Ant is sincerely so creepy and weird.


Edit: I read too fast and I’m an idiot

Can you read?

Obviously not

Fucking retard.

It's cool man I can't either.

So why wasn't anyone calling him out back then?? WHen he was funny??

Good question, i never did social media so don't blame me.

He tried that shit with a strong black woman

they should've kicked his creepy degenerate ass all over the diner

This, and that pic he took of a girl passed out in his movie theater room, I wonder what horror stories she has.

Who takes a picture of people in a shitty diner talking loudly? Anth, the fuckin creep, that's who.


To be honest, I think Anthony probably wouldn't mind banging that rotting corpse in front of him either. Assuming it was a guy, of course.