Joe Currie Pissed Himself

1  2019-05-28 by tunisianknifer


2 grandmas pregaming before bingo.

2 old crones trying to look cool and failing. The Compound looks like a really shitty time.

It looks like a level of hell.

Fireball guy looks like he’s been dead for 2 days.

You’re just jealous of the lavish lifestyle they’re living in a basement on Long Island

Wow a handle of fireball. These guys are fucking nuts.

totally mental.

Anecdotally, they call it a handle because you firmly hold on to it until you’ve drank enough to stop your hands from shaking. You’re also grabbing it because it will slide out of your sweaty hands and you’ll knock it over if you try to put it on a table, can’t allow that to happen.

Greasy Anthony.

Anthony always posing with a can of BL

Remember when we used to be jealous of "Compound parties." Bunch of balding, obese boomers drinking shitty booze and ripping farts

Joe Currie is just such a forgettable, weird idiot.

Looks like a gay genie.


He's always struck me as a botched & deformed clone of Joe Rogan.

You shouldn't mix alcohol and HIV medication... Ant really has stopped giving a care

Glad to see Anthony’s near death experience straightened him out.


So Compound parties are a real pisser.

Don’t forget to tip your waiter! 😉

It bugs me that Anthony hasn’t renovated shit in that house since he bought it. He still has those ugly ass 2006-era wood cabinets and that awful dark green paint. Probably can’t afford any renos now as he hangs out in his outdated “theatre” aka closet with 6 seats and a 15 year old projector. Stupid tasteless formerly nigger-rich faggot.

"Plankfoot" doesn't get featured nearly enough.

Joe Genova.

This is the same position and spot where Sue would fuck Anthony.

Fucking who?

Fireball is for faggots and girls who don't like whiskey. Joe Currie falls into both categories.

uh haw haw haw! uh haw haw haw!

is joe currie just a gay poker friend? was hoping he was a retarded cumia cousin who ant also supports