reminder: pulitzer pat and war hero joe won

1  2019-05-27 by ichise8

theres never been a deadlier combo, folks. they shut down two subs and sent the redditards into obscurity.

war hero joe actually almost had to be hospitalized from laughing so hard. pulitzer pat is now just living his life.


all the negative reviews on pats book will be removed, and you folks would have had 0 impact on his life. meanwhile, he shut down both subs.

a complete nobody from twitter. good god, what an animal. also, opie is an active pedophile.

The shtick is getting really old

the truth doesnt age, my sweet summer child. a literal nobody from twitter shut down 2 subs in a row while the redditards had 0 effect on his life, little one.

my sides

I don't talk in bits and characters, so speak like a person or don't bother.

woah someones getting a little heated. im just spreading truth here, fella. are you gonna deny that pulitzer pat and war hero joe slapped down both subs effortlessly? a nobody from twitter sent the infamous o&a sub into obscurity

i can hear the both of them dying from laughter, my sweet summer child.

If we had any backbone at all we'd off ourselves