Don’t you know? I don’t read anything you write. I hit the “magic disappearing trolling sub-member button”. You no longer exist.

1  2019-05-26 by DOXXER100


You abandoned your dead mother

This is true.

No-one cares, faggot.

Joe, this is the Scorch sub. No Moroccan child spit enthusiasts are needed here.

Wow what a tech wizard you are

Expect nothing less from ol' ctrl-alt-delete Joe.

Oh man that was a classic Bovine Joe moment. He's just the fool who keeps on giving.

You're fucking up the vibe here, this shit ain't PFG.

Where are you going to search for unearned “veteran” discounts this Memorial Day?

It's not fair Joe gets all these upvotes, I try so hard with my better call saul gifs, only to be called a faggot... eventually.

Shut up faggot

"I don't read anything you write, but I come to reddit every day to see what you write."

But you've replied to multiple comments. Holy shit are you stupid.

I pissed in Layla's face

You reply to most of my comments, fatty. What're you talking about lol.

You gotta love how he can't even get into the real sub. Enjoy obscurity, faggot

Also, Joe "doesn't read anything you write" but has been replying to comments that don't tag him for almost an entire month now. Cow logic

And reporting them. And bragging about reporting them.

You feel guilty over abandoning your poor sick mother every single time you think of her or someone mentions her.

I feel sorry for you.

You abandoned your mother to die alone and afraid so you and your brother could hangout with a child-rapist.

We are the show now. Glad you've finally accepted and confirmed that by not being able to go a day without us.

We're having fun with your live stream of your obese basement mutant karaoke party right now on the new sub, you fat fuck.

You should see what everyone is talking about in that place you can’t visit.

Your mind is too feeble to recognize your own neurosis.

Isn't this the account you shit talked your brother on?

The Cumia brothers are a couple of faggots

Wow we really are fucking with your brain. This is great.

You drive the same car as Barbie

Bovine-faced nigger scum

Can you please do a podcast?

Then you won’t mind if i call you fat again.

Your responses make a lot more sense now that I know you don't actually read the comments you respond to

Holy shit he found it! Pack it up lads!

I've been thinking about this, Mr. Hand. If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?