Marty's Daughter Takes a Page Out of the Book of Norton

1  2019-05-26 by insertclevereference


give money or the dog dies

The innocence of women, ladies and gentlemen.

What the fuck does she do on a daily basis that necessitates living with over a dozen animals in a $1.2 million apartment in Brooklyn? If you do not NEED to be in New York, then leave.

Seriously, old cunt just wants to rub elbows with hip trendy liberals in the faggiest city in the world instead of spending $1.2 million on a goddamn ranch in the Midwest that would be heaven for her animals.

The homeless black dude shitting his pants and singing doo wop on the corner belongs in New York more than her. And her father is a shitty pedo wop (probably)

If he is, it certainly wasn't with his daughters.

You see that family photo? Yikes!

That dude has bred a lot of ugly ass daughters.

America needs HR employees I guess.

I hope she rents next to bonnie.