This guy in a bar tried to get me to buy his new book Starship Repo, so I Googled it when I got home...

1  2019-05-25 by TamaInoino


First result:

1.8 stars and over 100 horrible reviews on Goodreads. Answers allude to his pedophile enabling, violence to women and other disgusting behavior.

Second result: 2.5 stars on Amazon (a little high, guys) and all the top results by "Helpful" votes are highly negative. Almost 20 used copies on sale already. #80,186 in Books. #180 in Humorous Science Fiction (Books). #1427 in First Contact Science Fiction. #1583 in Alien Invasion Science Fiction.

Third result is his Facebook from over a year ago of the cover.

Next is the Macmillan listing which directs people to Goodreads for reviews. Notice that Macmillan culls bad reviews and only shows the positive reviews on their site. So, fuck those deceptive jews.

Next is the Tor publishing link, which has multiple avenues to purchase the book. If you're looking to have more fun, some of these accept your honest reviews.

And then, as predicted, is our Urban Dictionary definition, turning his book title into a joke about having your dreams crushed, your ego destroyed and your fictional lie of a life and career turned into dust.

Overall, I'd say Patrick is winning, right? That sidebar with a big 1.8 stars on it sure says so.

This is fucking beautiful, and I thank you for your service.