The migration begins

72  2019-05-24 by G4YN1GG3R


We’re less like a bunch of beaners voluntarily leaving their country in order to displace American workers and more like G-d’s chosen who constantly get banished and wonder why everyone hates us

We are the wandering Jews of reddit.

We’re not as cunning and sophisticated, I think we’re just gypsies

I think we split in to two tribes, the Scorch and XYZ factions.

Does this make us stronger or weaker?


We can’t take a blow to our numbers and diversity of thought is bad. We need a numerous and homogenous army of autists

So, you're saying an assassination squad has to be sent to take out the mods of the old sub which got destroyed within two months.

Sort of like Stalin taking out Trotsky in Mexico.

Pretty sure we're Jews.

Stalin (PBUH) persecuted the Jews

Yeah, even while he was one.

They have no honor, or haven't you heard?

no one is even over there at xyz, I think we've decided where well be already


They have 30% more active users right now.

is it? maybe i have the wrong xyz,

i just found out it's not the one previously known, use an N instead of 'and'

youre an 'N' and thank you sir

Eventually this sub will succumb to the same fate as the rest. We spend our lives forever wandering the desert of reddit.

They can't quite stamp us out even though we exist in squalor

Nor do we control the media or the banks.

G D's = Gangster Disciples

You know we down

they're just jealous of us

its pretty clear nick hates jews right? there are those pre-cumtown early 2010s tweets and Nick doing that whole bit shitting on jews with the arthur song.

also how did nick and adam know each other? i know stav and nick were in the comedy scene in maryland for a long fucking time, but adam is from vegas and went to a ny college right?

i have no idea. nick has a sense of things and will edge around both sides. the prob with edging around the right is that the left leaning audience thinks it must signal you are cryptically far-right, so to even mention them in jest or irony is dangerous and putting yourself in a precarious position. it takes balls to do this, and this is a huge elemnt of Nick's underground appeal

I mean that was a weird place to take that bit. Same with the Bill Cosby thing. It sort of came out of nowhere.

Jesus how I wish some low-flying A-10 Warthogs loaded with Napalm would take care of that entire Road. Follow it up with a few strafing runs just for good measure. Here is some video to help you imagine:

Permission to come aboard sir?! (Is it a hot mic?)

Why did the last place get banned?

patrick tomlinson

That's the overweight guy who writes science fiction metaphors about his penchant for pedophilia right?

Sure buddy. You dipshits ruined one of the funniest subs on reddit. It's never coming back. All because you demanded to call some nobody a faggot. Way to go. Great last stand.

To be fair I never actually made posts about him, I saved all of that for Jim and Sam

Haha. Yeah I didn't mean you specifically. I just liked there was a place dedicated to ruining Anthony's life. He'll probably be back on Twitter now

I heard there was free government cheese. I want my share

We have been kicked out of 109 sub-reddits but it's not us that are the problem. Everyone else are assholes.