Patrick Tomlinson has won me over

0  2019-05-24 by packitchofsositch

He's generally right about you. You're dumb midwest/euro hatecunt pieces of shit. In the herebefore, I of course hated him, because he was objectively a faggot. But I never cared. Not once. I still don't really know who are what he is. Something about science fiction writing. Now he's fucked me up just because I've associated with known Nazis. That's shitty. But the Nazis are shittier.

Quick joke: do you want to know what's shittier than a real Nazi? A: An O&A fan who pretends to be one out of years-outdated Trump meme-troll ideology.

No one's getting mad at you anymore, stupids. Nobody cares. I'm in classes with college students and to this generation caring about politics is the Very First thing that will get you ostracized. There's a bully mentality of "I'm better than this gay dumb faggot" whenever politics comes up.

So Hear Hear Patrick Tomlinson, you have done me a service despite yourself and myself.



I think you need to leave..

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen and I once saw myself sucking your dad's cock.

You come off as Canadian

Print this out and write your suicide note on the back.

It’s never too late to repent!! Quickly children, before it too late!! “Hail hail fire and snow, friendly angel come to know.... “ #NoBonkBonk

This is the faggot that wanted to collude with fatfuck.

Patrick found r/scorch

caring about politics is the Very First thing that will get you ostracized

politics: activities within an organization that are aimed at improving someone's status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive.

by caring about being ostracized and pretending not to care about politics to fit in you are practicing politics by definition

i didnt go to college and im smarter than you

Who said anyone cared about being ostracized? That was your little personal addition. I'm saying it just happens naturally. You probably can't fathom that.

You might be a bit stuck on old bets you made long ago.

Did you talk like a faggot before you wasted your money on college? or is this a new habit you picked up?

You were the only person I answered because you were the only one who said something a little more than "faggot""do not like"

I guess that was all you had...that first post. Wasn't much.

you've somehow associated the sub with Trump...

here this should help:

You were the only person I answered because you were the only one who said something a little more than "faggot""do not like"

this isnt school faggot, you dont have to show your work

Sweet dude.

Fat fuck

There’s are too many contradictions and logical leaps in this post for anyone with common sense to believe this is legitimate.

For starters, it would be next to impossible for someone to know enough about Patrick to hate him for being a faggot but not know for certain 100% that he’s a sci-fi writer. The last week has been nothing but posts about his new sci-fi book. “Something about science fiction writing” is exactly what someone says when they’re trying way too hard to pretend they don’t know someone’s a science fiction writer.

Next, you have over 34k karma but only a few posts and comments in your history, which suggests you were extremely active on some sub which was shut down. Doesn’t necessarily have to be 0&A related, but given that some of your surviving comment history is, it’s a safe conclusion.

If that’s the case, then you can’t possibly think that these subs are actually populated by Nazis. You seem at least smart enough to know when you’re reading something written by white supremacist and when you’re reading something written by an average guy with an uncouth sense of humor while he’s dropping a deuce. You have to have been exposed to these subs enough to know that anyone who says it’s a hot bed of alt-right white supremacy is too stupid and autistic to understand that some people’s sense of humor is different from their own.

And if you believe that caring about politics makes someone a faggot, and that it results in ostracization, then you can’t possibly have been won over by Patrick, who talks about almost nothing other than politics for the express purpose of being accepted by others.