A Call to Arms

4  2019-05-24 by clotinmybrain

This is our darkest hour. Two homes we have lost. We lost our castle when a treacherous pig who shall remain nameless decided to nuke it. We lost our second less modest home due to an overzealous author and other cretinous degenerate faggots.

This cannot stand. It is time for a new home. A home that can't be burned or taken from the inside. Somewhere to not just regroup but launch an all out offensive against those who would seek to have us silenced.

Surely there must be one retard, autist, Panera bread psychopath among us who can come up with an alternative? Or should we just let pedophile authors, failed musicians, radio "hosts", and lesbian fangirls (trannies) rule us forever?


I'd say voat but its invite only now. The guy who runs https://voat.co/v/opieandanthony could just invite everyone I guess.

Do you have to be invited by a mod or can anyone invite other people?

Looks like by admins only. So basically nobody new can join. Gay.

I can't even register. It says check back in a few hours.

r/opienanthonyXYZ for now

a better alternative is in the works

Ok, should I edit my post to include it? Or are we keeping this low key?

We should just all go to the subs we hate and find a new home there, forcing Patrick to shut them down with copyright claims.