Beyond pathetic.

20  2019-05-23 by SpitItoutSocratesxyz


this phone's battery is at 18% and needs charging!

I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry. info

Faggot bot.

Is u/MichaelRichardsBot still with us?



He's alive!

I can't even fathom how much of a fucking worthless loser you would have to be to mod 124 subreddits. How empty a life you would have to have. I'd kill myself tbh.

u/AnnArchist comment?


This person is the real life Dwight from the office.


Who's this? A friend of Fatty?

A faggot power mod.

No, the fascist mod of r/DesMoines

Some queer mod who probably steals vapes like the rest of 'em.

He’d be the perfect person to catfish. Anyone want an ipad?

LOL...MensRights and Fatrick calls us incels.

What a fucking faggot homosexual nigger fuck fag.

MensRights Virgin ☑️

BadCopNoDonut Victim complex ☑️

Pennystocks Degenerate ☑️

Drama Faggot ☑️

Oakland Nigger ☑️

Penystocks Oakland

lol. Broke coon.


That all you got, faggot?


List of faggots to defeat:


u/AnnArchist where did you go?

I went to your mom's house. She wouldn't let me in though, Tyrone was there again so she said I could come by later for a snack.

Tdawg? Oh you mean Lamar. He's my muddas friend who comes over to fix the floorboards.

Are you a racist too? Also, flair including "tard" is offensive. Do your Reddit buddies approve of your racist/mental capacity shaming ways?

Tdawg isn't racist tho

I know your type Mr. Des Moines. You won't come out openly with it but just that comment speaks volumes. Any POC can and will spot you a mile away.

You're a fucking piece of shit and worse than a cop.

lol don't fuck with my city dawg.

Bootlicker Central.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Bootlicker Central.' | FAQs | Feedback | Opt-out

That's weird, she told me she was cutting you off from snacks.

She ran out of wet wipes

"come by later for a snack" - right after the bull finishes.

Gj explaining the joke

The joke is that you’re a cuckold who eats cum out of somebody’s mother? That’s disgusting man.

Holy shit it's genuine truth about these meaningless faggots being power hungry for anything, no matter how meaningless, lmao.

Imagine the pain a faggot of this caliber would experience if their account was deleted. All those precious internet points.