My dad just died today and that I swear it didn’t bother me as much as the sub getting banned.

49  2019-05-23 by Fluxywild

His old ass got banned from life like 4 hours ago. We’re just hoping it isn’t aids or anything gay. I don’t know what it says about me but noticing the sub got banned bummed me out a lot more.

His last words were something about too many blacks in the ER that day. Your mom’s box, Jonathan H. I’ll visit your grave once to stave off the Cumiaitis.


My dad's still alive if that makes you feel any better.

That's comforting in these trying times

What’s his stance on minorities ?

He sounds nice.

Is he single?

Nick Swardson, your dad’s alive right?

Is his name Joe cumia?

Nice dead dad, stupid.

Ooh. It already feels like home here.

This guy's right. I'm a lot more upset that the sub died than this creep's father.

Did he have any nudes of your mom on his phone you can post? Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers.

You know what? I just fucking remembered that when he got an iPhone 3GS he had me fix something on the display and when I went into his camera roll he had a fucking semi-upskirt shot of this Jew broad at the mall kiosk.

I fucking bet he’s got more patriotic pics like that stashed somewhere.

Hey sounds like I'd of liked this guy!

Fuck off goober, he wasn’t gay.


You'd have, fucking retard.

You're right, I would have!

Thots n prayas

this is gay because you're still technically talking about how you love Reddit, but I understand bro

Fuck reddit in the face. Bunch of bearded women and ugly pets.

RIP to a real 1 off to join the Naked Militia in the sky. What was his fave Scorch bit ?

What was his favorite color?

Purple or some shit I don’t know


You’re absolutely right, gay nigger.

Hey that was my father's name, call me gay