The trap has been set.

50  2019-05-23 by antlikestrannies


Why don't you wait to post this until after something interesting happens.

they dont call me eager eddie for nothin

Go ahead and delete this for now.

he can't find us here, child. Scorch is our bunker

That's what Mr Hitler said.


Chin up knickers. Chin up.

Is it time to feed Mr Maloonigan the cyanide tablets?

Blondie was a great dog. Mr. Maloonigan is a faggot.

Ya but what kind of dog is he?

He's a schnoodle.

He went to Argentina

/r/Argentina is the next sub

How great would it be if we got an entire country to hate Joe Cumia

you dont think theres some dickhead here who hates the patso feud who wont tip him off just because?

fuckin idiot delete it.

Fucking twerp needs his sweet internet points

if anything his megalomaniacal persona will cause him to poke the hornets nest with a stick, resulting in further torment directed at his well being. this is 4d chess

No, you are a dummy and your blowing it.

He'll just look at the user history of from the list he's got in his spreadsheet (cross referenced by how mean they were about him) and find this place.

Too bad Patrick's writing career is already in the shitter

Career? His "career" is equivalent to a person saying they have a career in race car driving because they spent so much time making a profile in Need for Speed.

Invite him to do an AMA on r rant talking about his experiences being trolled over the last few months. There's a good chance he'll do it since his last AMA was such a failure he had to ask himself questions.

At least he isn't like Joe and pretending that we weren't getting to him hard

Him cancelling a Happy Hour show at a bar is not getting to him....

It’s because Patrick is more insecure than Joe. Joe is totally comfortable with and confident in himself. A consequence of this is that he believes he’s smarter than everyone here, which means he thinks he can say it doesn’t bother him and we’ll believe it. Deep down Patrick knows everything we say about him is true and we see through him. He knows if he tried to pretend he didn’t care, we wouldn’t believe him and would just torment him further for saying it.

Anyways isnt a fucking word.

Yea, Patrick would like anywho better.


Nice trap, stupid

“Power Mod” yuck

"higher ups"