r/opieandanthony is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.

3  2019-04-17 by Every1ShouldBKilled

New sub coming soon, moderators wanted.

This new sub’s purpose, is to completely encapsulate the meaning of what the post-O&A world should be: Fighting faggots peripherally related to the show or completely unrelated to the universe, while showering Norm and Colin with unequivocal praise, all couched between posts about Beefers and Dumpers.

And all of this would hypothetically happen on the new sub, away from any faggot junkie mods that try to act like random useless arbitrators, or who just inexplicably grinding the gear of fun to a halt. The fun and freedom we used to enjoy on this sub cannot continue to happen, as long as the mods (or one particular mod) are what they are, and who would ban anyone that did something as simple as hurting their feelings.

Only thing you would need to observe is reddit’s global policies. And to consider the right course of action, in the off-chance someone tried to pursue legal action against the users (case by case, obv).

Other than that; no rules, just right.

PS: r/scorch should always be a backup, because it would be sadder if that was taken away, over anything else.


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