Porsalin's documentary on Fatrick - Apparently removed from /r/O&A

35  2019-04-16 by barosa


If the head mod watches this and finds out who Fatrick is, then can we start posting about him again?

u/Spaceedge sucks dick for drugs

This fat faggot fuck will kill the subreddit.

He really just needs to kill himself. Imagine the joy that would bring his family

u/BigGreenYamo, comment?

you co-sign this faggotry?

i see you got that mod-ship, but I dont see you doing shit with it cept fuck up a good sub

thin blue line n’ shit

BG a real ahh nigga

I know, I know, but what does this have to do with Scorch?

We're trying to get Porsalin to go live on Scorch's show

lets be honest, scorch wouldnt sully his name with this trash

but porsalin should do a scorch doc soon