Just settling in the new home of hate.

38  2018-01-07 by Yaseetheo

Anthony really is a pissy eyed faggot.


So is this the new place or what?

Yeah, if it's necessary.

Looks like its gonna be necessary sooner or later,which ever comes first.

This one might be the big one.

Number of users here just doubled in the last 10 minutes.Better start preparing our Rations.

Pass out the small blades to the women. Don't let him take the children alive.

Ill prepare the Kool-Aid

Does that fuckin picture at the top have to stay? Or is that part of the charm of the new place?

Fresh start might be good. Lose some of the dead weight. The most dedicated of shit heads will find their way here.

Are we married to the giant photo of Scorch on top? I'm taking a shit and don't need that staring at me.

I'd hate to come into a new house and start re-arranging the furniture but..............that pic is rough

If Scorch would only make one of us a mod so we could give this place a makeover.

It needs to be bigger.

That's what Ant said about your username.

Yeah u/HANKKKINGSLEY get rid of that fucking thing.

Poor Ant, if only he could grieve like a regular person.

They're deleting threads about it on r/opieandanthony

About this sub? What faggots

Guys I made it safely here!

Sorry I’m late boys, I went to opieandanthonyxyz

Settin’ up shop, boys...

Eventually as Opie, Anthony & Jimmy gets mentioned enough on this sub, the Google algorithm will make this the top result for those keywords.

this is hilarious i cant believe we r taking over scorches sub......

Its getting confusing. So now I got to come to Scorchs /r to post Rich Vos plugs disguised as Anthony Cumia hate threads. I love it!

Not like you had an option Scorch, but glad we can make ourselves at home here. PFG hate coming up. Anthony wears mommy’s shoes.

Anyone else having trouble posting on the old sub? Did it finally get shut down? Am I just a faggot?

  1. No, seems to work ok... 2. Yes you are a fag, sorry you had to find out this way.

pfg so far

I think I'll like it here.