Scorch's MorningX Recap---Tuesday 12/12/2017

3  2017-12-12 by SCORCH-IS-PFG

Scorch begins the show by honoring Chester Bennington, one of the many rockers to pass away this year. As always we have Vito in the back running the phones and "directing this mess". Scorch segues into a bit about how sometimes sports announcers sound pornographic when describing plays in the game. The segment, which I hope becomes a staple of this fine program, is called Filthy Football. Here follows sound clips of announcers saying players are getting "blasted" and getting some "action". Scorch loves old Pearl Jam, he loves the 90s, Morgan agrees with him. Scorch brings up how they already have some haters but they'll address them at a later date. "The haters are going to hate us but the lovers are going to love us." Truer words have never been spoken. He talks about how his studio is less than adequate. Morgan is going to get her bandages and start her "wound licking", she says in a thick Midwestern accent. Morgan sent Scorch an email saying "They hate us! Looks like we're doing something right". A listener commented that Scorch's voice sounds like he gargled down thumbtacks with shards of glass. That sounds really dangerous so I don't think he did that. Morgan quips that Scorch sounds like the love child of Cookie Monster and Tom Waits. Scorch brings up a SEX SURVEY before going into the NEWS. Morgan recaps yesterday's news including the Bangladeshi NYC terrorist attack and a story involving an Eau Claire man who committed child sex crimes. Scorch says the man's genitals should be "snipped off". Sewer line issues spilled sewage into the Eau Claire river last year, Morgan jokes that Scorch followed the smell to Eau Claire from California much like Garfield and a plate of Lasagna. A plumber in Texas made a toilet seat art museum.

Scorch is on a station commercial for the "X MYSTERY XMAS GIFT", where you bid on a gift that is kept secret. A surprisingly upbeat commercial for Smith Funeral Chapel. Other commercials. Some PFG music. Show is back. Scorch talks about how he's never seen so many Busch Light cans. Scorch was walking his puppy and apparently kept seeing the cans. Captain is in with sports. Smokin' Jay Cutler outplayed Tom Brady with the Dolphins beating the Patriots. Aaron Rodgers' collarbone, some college guy from some sport is out of the season. Scorch once broke his knee helping a listener move their car out of a radio station parking lot. Scorch is a good dude. Scorch ponders if the NFL is done on regular television. Captain agrees with everything he says. Scorch goes to AC/DC which he says will "always sound great". Lots of songs.

Show is back. Scorch reiterates how this is the FIRST time The X has had a live interactive morning show. Clay is the first caller, he has a thick accent and he's talking about how cold it is. Scorch tells him to "try walking a dog at three in the morning" then cuts off the caller. The call lasted 9 seconds. Some music then Scorch is back with an article that says most people start working 17 minutes before their official start time, takes 29 fewer minutes for lunch than they're allowed, and stays in the office 16 minutes past their official end time. It adds up to 62 minutes of extra work a day, 31 unpaid days of work for the year. Interesting. Scorch is in the studio at 4AM, a full 2 hours before the show. But once his work day is done he's outta there. He gives out his email [email protected].

Commercials. Scorch is really fitting into his new Midwestern environment with all the local references. Show is back for a quick minute and Scorch is teasing a sex survey like he did earlier in the show. It's about how long men around the world can last. They're back again after a song called Novocaine. Scorch likes Novocaine, the drug, and his dentist used to call it the "magic meatball" because it feels like you have a meatball in your mouth after a shot. Morgan says that's how she feels after tequila shots. WHOA LOOK OUT FOLKS WE GOTTA CRAZY LADY HERE. According to the sex survey women want sex to last 25 minutes and 51 seconds. They go into a news segment with Morgan. Alabama's U.S senate race with Roy Moore and Doug Jones. Roy Moore's alleged sexual misconduct, Scorch says Alabama is one of the most friendly states he's ever been in. Morgan loves the food in Alabama. LOCAL NEWS: The sewage story again. Some funny banter. Mining story. A Connecticut man was driving drunk and got pulled over which uncovered a dozen fake I.Ds.

Commercials. Scorch plugs his "Ask Doctor Scorch" segment. They played some Metallica. Captain is back in, Morgan is gone. Does the studio only have two seats? Talk about a new Rocky movie with Brock Lesnar. Scorch doesn't see Brock as an actor. NFL and Verizon came to an agreement to stream games. Scorch wonders if NFL coverage on regular TV will go away. Digital media is apparently huge according to Captain. Sex survey talk again. Music. I'm a little worried that color and number of the day won't be appearing on this new venture. A boy can dream.

Scorch is back on talking about listener feedback, both good and bad. Listener emails from Garrett and Diana. Scorch goes to Heather on the phones, it sounds prerecorded. They talk about the sex survey and Scorch chimes in saying he couldn't last 25 minutes with four condoms on. Morgan apparently knows Heather. Live, local, interactive radio. Scorch reads comments on the station's Facebook. Lots of women commenting. A man comments that he loves Scorch is playing Mastodon and if he keeps playing them he'll get rid of his satellite radio. Scorch urges him to do so. Scorch says that music makes commercial radio better than satellite. Commercial for the station's no Christmas music guarantee.

Caller "Rip" on the phone. He'd be happy with lasting 5 minutes. He's called Rip because of some segment on Monday. The show already has characters. Listener feedback pointing out Scorch has a raspy sounding cancer voice. Scorch gives em a verbal beating. Morgan back in again. She had a Elmer Fudd hat that she lost. News again jesus christ. Alabama. Roy Moore. Red State. Democrats. Experts. Zzzzzzzzz. Local news, sewage story for the third time today. Sulfide Mining. Scorch doesn't like kids but he likes animals and old people. Scorch wishes Morgan a happy Hanukkah which starts today. I forgot Scorch is Jewish.

Scorch has to go to the bathroom so he plays commercials. Sports with Captain again, no news on Aaron Rodgers. Scorch says Rodgers will definitely play this weekend. Yankees talk. Dolphins-Patriots. Milwaukee Brewers. Badgers. Scorch talks about the upcoming Spring/Summer and playing softball. Scorch says he'll play first base. Back from music and Scorch mentions his advice segment again. Ask Doctor Scorch will be debuting Wednesday December 13th. Ask your questions here

Scorch is happy to have all the listeners, "likers and haters alike". Oreo cookies are having a contest much like Lay's potato chips (wassat?). Scorch tried to submit a few flavors before. He talks about ham and egg flavor chips, grits and gravy, etc. Scorch talks about "pounding some herb" and eating some oreos back in the day. Pop rocks flavored oreos, cherry cola, kettle corn. Scorch likes kettle corn but he's unsure of it as an oreo cookie. Scorch tried to find key lime flavored oreos which he said are probably "PFG" (!!!). Scorch plugs Marilyn Manson dates in the area. He talks about how it takes a while to get used to change, much like this new morning show. Show ends with Scorch thanking all the listeners.

Solid show overall 9/10.


How long until the news girl accuses Scorch of Sexual Misconduct?

Are you kidding? She's crazy about him.

I'm just glad there's finally a live local radio show for the real rock fans in Chippewa Valley.

Not just for these Northwestern Wisconsin cheeseheads, but the through the magic of the internet, the entire world, even LONDON ENGLAND!

100th know who you are

Great recap! I'm listening to u/pfg-sciple 's condensed version right now and this shows is so fast paced, I look at your summary as a help and not a spoiler.

As im reading all this i just imagine some gentle, bittersweet late 70s pop music playing, the camera ever so slowly panning out of the studio's window to the snowy midwestern winter outside, and scorch's voice gradually fading into nothing. And then the credits roll

I just want the two way remote starter