This is a place for worthless faggots, although one day EVERYONE from the O&A sub will be here.

5  2017-11-10 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Most likely the O&A sub will be shut down over some wild shit, so reddit will probably make SpaceEdge pay in some way (permanent-ban or a shut down of any future sub w/ any attempt to circumvent his negative attention by starting another account). Space will be really hot under the collar then; not just because he'll have to come here knowing that he won't be the all-powerful mod on a big sub anymore, but that some of you that he banned from the original place he'll now have to take a beating from, while being unable to do anything about it. Some of you might make your way up to mod and ban HIM, throwing it back in his face.

That's why its worth it to sub here. Just to see that happen :)

PFG if you ask me.


I was banned from O and A. So I'll be here now
