3  2016-09-15 by pfg-sciple


Are you kidding me? NO ONE is going to fuck with this man.

I can't BELIEVE anyone would CUT this!!!! It PROMINENTLY features the BIGGEST actor on the SHOW!!!

It makes sense to DELETE it though! You can't send the series' hidden lead actor away for ''questioning in Reno'' in the middle of the story arch, obviously Scorch has a big part in Episode 3!

I don't know, I think it would be a perfect jumping off point for a spin off about Scorch in Reno.

I have to concede, you are completely right.

Scorch is so well-known among tv viewers (f.e. PFG-TV), that ''Major Crimes'' can easily afford not introducing his character properly on the show and spin it off right away!

I FIGURED that would be the EXCUSE for SCORCH joining MAJOR CRIMES as an OFFICER. Bring the CRIMINAL MASTERMIND to the good SIDE. It could be a SPINOFF. Who knows?! SCORCH has been in a bit of a MEDIA FREEZE lately so maybe TNT had him sign a NO TALK THING about his new SHOW!!!!

This show seems like garbage.

