Nana being a hypocrite part 1/many

1  2019-09-13 by quasi100


Isnt that what he has done on twitter for years?

Hello exactly!

This is the same man who put a hit out on reddit. Also he's a pedophile

Irresponsible gun owner and He was arrested by Nassau County police on charges of strangulation, assault, criminal mischief, and unlawful imprisonment.

Yet he tries to take the moral high ground.

You don't abuse alcohol and benzos at the same time while armed to the teeth? Pussy

Doddering Nana forgets that she built her whole career on slander, harassment and threats.

Ah yes, the same guy who mocked a dude who had lost his daughter in a car accident, on his radio show.

Capped a retarded man who was retiring at mcdonalds and told him he was fired pretending to be corporate.

Thin-skinned Nana likes to dish it but whines like an enormous pussy when he has to take it. Apparently "free speech" only applies to him when and how he sees fit. He embodies everything he's always disgustedly tweeting about.

Nana’s a regular J.L. Austin