Shane Gillis has a show on Compound Media. He just got hired by SNL as a writer, and is now being dragged for past "bigoted" remarks. Here's an article detailing the controversy. Not one mention of AntH or CP Media

1  2019-09-13 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Long title, I know. But no one knows who any of these people are, so I felt like an explanation was necessary. It's funny because there's probably plenty of "evidence" on his CP Media (I'm guessing) show, but absolutely no one watches it or even knows it exists because Anthony is in Obscurity.

But he's still nefarious!

If anyone has actual footage from compound that is useful here, i would really like to see it.

Paywalls only work if you're the Wall Street Journal and everyone who subscribes is rich and important. For Ant, it just removes him from the greater web and media conversation.

He should have made CP Media free from the start. But being able to say "nigger" was too important to him.

Everything they quoted was funny. Shane is far too funny for SNL.

and CP Media

yeah honestly these fools should be thankful ol Lorne decided to actually hire someone funny besides che for once. absolute baby brains.

I've never heard him plug the CP Media show. I think even he's embarrassed about it. Meanwhile, his podcast is the best one out.

Funny thing, I made a post about exactly that on one of the old subs and the next day Keith put a free episode on YouTube. So basically I'm making all the decisions at Compound Media.

Also, even with Shane the show was boring as fuck. He seemed like he wasn't into it.

Who is Seth Simmons? I thought Jeffrey Gurian was the only comedy reporter.

We really let minorities and women have too much of a say here.

Minorities are one thing but chinks can fuck right off

It's funny pretty much every Artie story has no mention of his show on CP Media either, and Artie controversy is what Keith and AntH were counting on for lots of free press and subscriber count boosts.

Wait he still has a show on CP? Lmao I thought he just had his Secret Podcast

Although I'm too lazy to do so, maybe someone should look into this "freelance writer and comedy reporter" Seth Simons. I doubt this buttinski is as pure as he wants to appear.