Joe filed a DMCA of that pictue of Kurt Love titled "Joe Will Never DMCA This." Guess that means he admits it's his picture?

1  2019-09-13 by Bovine_Retard


Guess I was proven wrong



He’s so incredibly stupid. It really is unfathomable how vast his idiocy is.

Joseph Cumia aka Brother Joe, aka James Hefner: Friend, associate, personal photographer and family to pedophiles one and all. Everyone is welcome to his home; even those already convicted of forcibly sodomizing children, such as Jeffrey Hollander, aka Kurt Love. I’ll be making sure to include all all of these details in future emails now that you’ve admitted it faggot.

that DMCA is an admission of guilt

Look at this pathetic old faggot downvoting comments on Reddit. You really are a fucking loser,Joe.

At the very least it means he contacted Mr. Love and got permission to DMCA this on his behalf.

Joe is friends with a convicted pedophile and allows said pedo in his house. This confirms it, a total admission of guilt.

You’re a real piece of shit, Joe. I hope you lose your daughter for this!