What is it that is constantly getting these subs shut down

1  2019-09-12 by yanggang707

Just curious it took me less than a minute to find this one so it doesn't really matter



Hoo hoo I think there’s a mole Robin Ha ha ha Of course Howard

Most websites, Reddit included, will automatically honor any DMCA, for any post, without question. Joe seems to be just reporting text posts knowing they'll work with Reddit not even looking at them.

Dumb fuck also seems to think Reddit only allows a limited number of subs to be created and any day now we'll be forced to stop making new boards.

Boomer pedo

Multiple people are now making totally unrelated subs of various themes, ie not repurposed / recreating a banned sub... & if people like them & hang out there, it's completely unrelated to any previous subs.

I guarantee they still get shut down

It's ridiculous that they let the same person keep doing this. You would think someone would say maybe he's the problem. So stupid

A confused elderly man who never grew up with too much free time on his hands that doesn’t understand how to the internet works.

Oh how far we have come



A darkies lack of employment

Faggots and retards. I get going for the first one and I get going after accounts with lots of karma (since some people care about keeping it), but this what Joe keeps doing is just a very stupid waste of time. Most people here don't seem give a shit about karma from the past and a steady sub. u/Doxxer100, you gonna stick to your master plan?