r/NiceSubStupid right before it was taken away from us. We never even got to say goodbye. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

1  2019-09-12 by wbgreen


R.I.P lil mug.

There was a good Joe piscopo post ripped right from it's mother's womb- unable to breathe life into our lives...

Had a good run.

Joe reported my thread before the shut down. Is it my fault?


He started commenting right before it went, i think Reddit hates joe as much as he hates us

I saw quasi had a capture going shortly before shutdown. We are getting to the point we wont lose anything at all but the name of the sub.

Rest in Piss

That Edge poster behind Joe is hilarious. He's looking over James' shoulder like "whatchu talkin' bout"?

I wonder what that computer trick thread was all about. It should get reposted on here so BoJoe doesn't find out about it.

it past

He was only 14 minutes old.

It’s like getting a picture of the towers right before the first plane. Surreal...