Fatty really hated being called out for cheating at his half marathons.

1  2019-09-19 by FatricksFourthChin

He definitely had to cheat to get to 2:15, which is still embarrassing. He’s terrified of marathoninvestigations.com unmasking his cheating so he’s in full panic mode.

Oh but child, don’t forget he’s still “winning” 😂


I hope these marathon investigators get to the bottom of this.

Yeah he was really "honey childing" it up, and writing novellas about how wrong we were.

Did he ever reply to /u/Ant_Sucks? That trashing was fawkin brootal, and really hit to the core of how much a fraud fatty is.

Did anyone save it?

I'll keep reminding him of it

Damn, I missed it.

I was offline all day and missed everything lol.

He sperged out bigtime. It was evident that he was caught fat-handed at his race cheating

Anyone archive that?

Why is it everytime I step away for a day something happens.

So he put up a time of 2:39, got fatter, and then beat that time by nearly 30 minutes?

That was his claim, yes. It’s easier to do that when you cut out the out-and-back section by cheating.