Where is the official new home base?

15  2019-09-18 by Thomas_Dairy

All of the Pat subs I know have like 15-40 people in them at a time. Nigger.


I'm here and on FatPat. I think FatPat was a mistake, since the sub was established as apparently NSFW, which can cause problems for some mobile reddit apps. Hopefully people pour into one place over the next couple days in any case.

We're splintered right now but eventually we'll settle in one place.

This actually isn't so bad, makes Pat sweat trying to keep up with our multiple factions ...

Oh, sweetie. No. I'm just naturally sweaty, child.

Someone should just set up a website or a thread on kiwifarms

Lol you know what? You’re right. It’s pretty funny to see three or more different subs actively shitting on him all day long. Hiya, Pat!

FatPat appears to have been made as a joke for some Brit TV show character years ago. I agree we need a solid base, this shit is getting confusing.

Well that was something I never needed to see but TYFYS.
