SpaceEdge: prolific child rapist? Or VIOLENT, prolific child rapist? | By: SHITLORD_CUNTDICK Score: 27 Date: 2019-04-14 04:14:59 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

I'm not making accusations, just asking questions like any patriot should.


| By: FlatlipsTLumpyson Score: 8 Date: 2019-04-14 04:55:38 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I don't know if him and Patrick formed a sex cult just to screw kids. Anything is possible.

| By: Fartpooof Score: 9 Date: 2019-04-14 05:01:33 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

he mod’s NAMBLA’s sub reddit yet allows them to post positive Patrick threads

im just making connections

| By: CorradoSocrates Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-14 12:49:43 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I've heard rumors that both he and u/patrickstomlinson would lurk r/Teenagers and send pms to certain members (who had publicly disclosed that they were minors and most of whom were males under the age of 17). Most of these pms were said to be sexual in nature (rumored to have asked boys for "butthole pics"). They were quickly banned by the subreddits moderators.

I don't know if any of these accusations are true and neither party has yet to be brought into custody.

| By: ILoveNiggers_ Score: 6 Date: 2019-04-14 06:19:03 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

Someone told me his philosophy is that there’s no point raping children unless it’s violent so I guess probably the second one.