How many episodes of Unexplained Files will Patrick appear in? | By: pomegranate2012 Score: 6 Date: 2019-04-13 15:47:35 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

1  2019-09-16 by ChineseGuitars

He thinks he's going to be showing up on the reg.

But I cannot fathom how the producers will not immediately realise their huge mistake and cancel all other appearances, and probably edit him out of the first show.

I'm prepared to eat my hat!


| By: literalotherkin Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-14 01:29:45 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

I don't even get why. Does he have a science background? He's a hack sci-fi writer.

| By: pomegranate2012 Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-14 01:51:26 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

> Does he have a science background?

He thinks that black hole is very big. And discussed with a friend how it all sounds a bit dirty.

The only theories I have are that a producer wants someone to relate everything to Trump. Or someone screwed up a mistook him for a real writer.

It's a real headscratcher though.

| By: SamGPHX Score: 5 Date: 2019-04-14 06:57:03 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

They needed a pedophile version of Brian Griffin.

| By: sixfigureschild Score: 2 Date: 2019-04-13 16:05:20 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

we'll get it taken care of, essentially sending him completely into obscurity

| By: CarolMaxheinie Score: 3 Date: 2019-04-13 16:33:12 (UTC) Sub: patrickstomlinson |

My goal, as a POC disabled transman who is a PERSON who CARES about these issues, is to get Discovery Corporation to immediately remove this proven hate-monger from all episodes of Unexplained Files. It actually looks like a good show - what the fuck is IN those darned files, anyway? - but I could never support a show that deals in such filth as this misogyny.

It is unacceptable that Discovery Channel, purveyors of the Science Channel, is allowing this guy (who wasn’t even ALLOWED on Facebook for awhile for promoting shooting at Hillary!) to run their network. I don’t know what soiled strings he had to pull to get this job but the whole affair smells rotten to me.